Experience-focused event management

Ntervento is a company specialized in experience-focused event management solutions, from A to beyond Z. We are based in Cairo, Egypt, but our team has 10+ years in international events of all types and across Egypt and Europe, from corporate and private events to conferences and summits, from job fairs to EXPOs, from strategy and planning to execution and impact reporting.

Dedicated team for every event

We approach every event, no matter its size, breadth, and scope, with a dedicated team that considers the project their own and cares about every detail as passionately as our clients. That’s why we call our clients: our partners.


Our Values And Ethics


We trust our people, we trust our partners, we trust educators, parents, and learners. We strive to build and consolidate trust with everyone.


Whatever we do, we do at our best. We aim to do work and deliver results we are proud of


Education innovation is the core of what we do. We embrace innovative ideas, approaches, methodologies. We live in the future!


Learning is not just in schools and not just for kids. We took on a journey where our primary purpose is to continue learning and helping the education ecosystem learn.


Making a difference in people’s lives by improving education to help them learn better and become better versions of themselves is what fuels our passion!


We have a deep respect for each other, for everyone striving to make education better, for everyone learning, for the parents striving to give their kids the best education they can, for the educators who made their lives’ purpose to help others learn.


We aim to be fair in an unfair world. We strive to give people fair access to the education they deserve.


Inside out. We uphold transparency and integrity in everything we do: intents, communications, and actions, internally and externally.

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